Me and my stupid ego

Ever wish your ego would disappear when you really needed it to? Ever wish you had that second chance to make things right? Ever wish deep in your heart that things would have been better had it not been for the very ego which has given you chances far beyond those ever thought possible? Ever wish you had that one chance to just say I’m sorry and have that wonderful human being actually respect you for you? Ever wanted to live that wonderful dream again with an amazing woman? Ever wish you could just snap your fingers and watch things change for the better? Ever wish you were given that amazing chance to dance again with that person? Ever wish you could just hold them because you know that you’re the cause of their hurt and pain? Ever wish that person would stop listening to others and instead listen to their heart? The very heart that allowed them to love someone and know that the person loves them far more than he ever thought he could love someone? Ever wish they could actually pick up your call, knowing that you’ve said things because of your ego, but those things were spiteful and angry. Ever threaten something that you wish would never happen again? If you read this, you know who you are, I want you to know the empty threats will not happen. They can’t happen, not to you, not ever. I promised not to hurt you, and I’ll keep my promise to you even if we are worlds apart right now. I know you made the promise too, both of us have to prove to each other our promises are far more powerful than our threats. If your parents see this, I want to apologize to them. I hope they understand a heart is so amazing. As a matter of fact, after saying the things I said I opened my Bible once again to this very passage:

   There are three, no four things which amaze me

  How an eagle guides through the sky

  How a ship navigates the ocean

 How a snake slithers on rock

And how a man loves a woman

I hope you read this one day soon. I want you to understand how I love you will amaze the world, that we can hurt each other so much, but still know how to love each other so deeply. I wish we can start all over from day one, all over. I miss you.

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