Posts Tagged ‘Missing’

Insanity…What a beauftiful feeling!!!

July 14, 2011

Here’s an old blog I wrote years ago and just found again..the words still hold true!

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over, expecting the result to change each time. Most people in the business world have accepted this as the true definition of insanity. Sadly, this may apply only to the business world’s definition and not to the definition of the rest of the world. A good majority may define insanity as actions without knowledge as to the end result. Others may try to explain it as a medical condition. So then what exactly is insanity?
Insanity, what an odd topic to blog about. I have my own definition, which may surprise many people. My definition of insanity is somewhat a hybrid of what many accept. My definition is taking actions based on this absolute blind faith of a desired result. Most would call that wishful thinking, to me its insanity. It’s insanity in its most wonderful form.
Think about this, ever met someone who has fallen in love over the internet? Ever met a parent who went from doctor to doctor in hopes of finding a cure for their ill child? How about the child who sets out to conquer the world, but has no clue which way to go? Maybe it might as simple as driving with no destination, only to come upon a beautiful scene which you only notice because the road has ended.
Still not sure what I’m talking about, well let’s take the first one, someone who has fallen in love with another but has never seen them. Most people think this is odd and completely out of the ordinary. They think it’s odd until they realize that the blind do fall in love. Wait, blind people can’t see, so therefore they have fallen in love with someone they have never seen. Doesn’t seem so odd now does it? I think people don’t realize that in our society of emphasizing beauty, we forget about those who can’t see at all. What’s even funnier is this statistic that the blind have the lowest divorce rates period. Only 5% of the blind get a divorce, yet 50% of the rest of population gets a divorce. Maybe they have something special that the rest of the world needs to learn about. Maybe their lack of sight causes them to seek for a deeper, more fulfilling relationship, beyond vanity and tolerance. Regardless of what it is, the blind have a vision which needs to be taught to the rest of the world.
Now how about the love of parents, who will go to any lengths to ensure their child will survive. They love their child so unconditionally that looks, money nor time matters to them. Many parents will commit themselves to a life of poverty if their child will survive. The beautiful dreams they once had of owning a home, building a business and growing old in peace are no longer important. Seeing their ill child become well again, for their dreams and desires, that’s an exchange any parent would make in a heartbeat and never think twice about it.
With the two previous examples are examples of great love. Love so unbelievable, so unconditional, just so perfect that insanity is the first term to come to mind for most people. Loving without seeing, loving without contingencies, loving in its purest form, what a wonderful idea. Before you call me crazy, please correct yourself because this craziness has a name it goes by; insanity